Saturday, December 02, 2006

Custodians View Of Indoor Air Quality

I really appreciate it when a school facility staff member shares their opinions, ideas and real life work experiences with us. These are the people who see first hand the challenges created by poor indoor air quality and most importantly, they have some great ideas for preventing problems.

Read this article by a custodian from Brownsville Elementary and learn a few things from a real pro!

Turn Off The HVAC And Get Poor IAQ?

I thought turning off the heating and cooling systems during summer break was a great idea and real energy saver until I reviewed Larry' Schoff's article from July 2006. Apparently, turning off your school's HVAC system to save energy over the summer may present an indoor air quality problem, according to former school facility manager Larry Schoff, PE. Read the full article here.

HVAC, Mold And Your School

Each month I review editorial published by contributing editors and blog about the content in more than 10 blogs. This blog deals with the very important subject of indoor air quality and school facilities. Providing quality learning environments is serious business no matter how young or old the students occupying a classroom are. Facility managers, risk managers, teachers and administrators must understand the importance of detecting IAQ problems, remedying them quickly and implementing preventive measures to decrease the probability of another event.

If the topics of indoor air quality, mold, mildew, HVAC and risk management are important to you or your colleagues spread the word about this blog. We can't let mold be the only thing spreading!